acquiring corporation造句

"acquiring corporation"是什么意思   


  1. When target corporation accepts cm & a directly , the acquiring corporation gains the greatest payouts
  2. As a typical means of acquiring corporations , listed company acquisition is a security exchange transaction that essentially aims at gaining the control of a company
  3. The acquiring corporation can select the target one which possesses maximal harmony effects with itself by using analytic hierarchy process ( aph ) and relating matrix methods to design excellent - choosing model
  4. Share acquisition , also known as stock acquisition , is one of the most important means to realize corporation expansion externally and sharp the competitive edge as a whole , acquiring corporation can get controlling rights of target corporation through buying shares from the shareholders of the target corporation
  5. It's difficult to find acquiring corporation in a sentence. 用acquiring corporation造句挺难的


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  7. "acquiring enterprise"造句
  8. "acquiring entity"造句
  9. "acquiring firm"造句
  10. "acquiring genetic materials"造句

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